Typically, if you have a conventional loan with a down payment lower than ten percent, your lender will require you to have private mortgage insurance.
Before you start house hunting, it’s important to know which features are a must-have. Here are 8 features to consider when building a new home.
There’s much to love about life in the Central Valley. Here are the top three reasons homeowners love living in Tesoro Viejo.
It’s important not to settle when it comes to your new home. Follow the tips here to find the best house layout for your family.
With our new line of Extra Suite and Extra Suite+ home designs, we can offer privacy and space to meet your family’s changing needs. Discover the home where you’ll love living together.
Townhouses and condos are both great types of homes, but there are some key distinctions that could make one type suit your lifestyle best.
Amit and Aditya have been featured in a number of stories covering their beautiful wedding last month, but here, they go deeper into the importance of their new home.
Credit education is a step-by-step program that will help you raise your credit score, making it easier to qualify for a home mortgage loan.
When you build on your lot, you can enjoy many of these popular design features, as well as the benefits of new construction. These five design features are at the top of buyers’ wishlists and are coming soon to your dream home.
Now that you’ve purchased a new build home, it’s time to start planning the decor! Here are 4 simple interior design ideas for your new house.